We listened to the eco-fantasists over fracking and now we have hostile Russia heating our homes
The heat is on
FOR years The Sun warned Labour, coalition and Tory Governments of the folly of leaving our energy supply at the mercy of flaky foreign powers.
For years we said fracking had the potential to supply cheap British gas for decades.
Those Governments did next to nothing - merely watched our self-sufficiency of just 15 years ago vanish.
Meanwhile eco fantasists successfully used web conspiracy theories to scare millions into believing fracking dirty and dangerous. They put their faith in wind and solar power which, a new report confirms, are woefully inadequate for a country of our size and climate.
Now we are deep into a crisis with Russia, which supplies us with gas via Europe.
We are relying on a hostile power to heat our homes. It is madness.
For once a union is speaking sense. The GMB backs fracking and has attacked Labour’s indefensible leap aboard the green scaremongers’ bandwagon.
Let this Russian crisis be the moment Britain finally wakes up to the need for new power stations and for shale gas - as much as we can possibly extract.
Bitter Britain
SCEPTICISM of politicians is healthy. But too many people, fuelled by social media, indulge in knee-jerk cynicism and baseless distrust which has become appallingly destructive.
The fault originates with Tony Blair and his liar Alastair Campbell.
Convinced they were doing God’s work, they cared nothing for truth. Their war in Iraq, with its hideous consequences, wounded our MPs’ reputations.
The expenses scandal shredded what remained.
Now hordes of smug know-nothings will tell you Russia did not inflict chemical weapons in Salisbury - that it was MI5, or the wicked Tories as a smokescreen for something or other.
They literally back Putin’s gangster regime over our own scientists and Government. Jeremy Corbyn appears to be among them.
It is encouraging that most people still think, as we do, that Theresa May is making a decent fist of the Russia crisis. But confidence in our democracy must somehow be revived.
This is not meant as another Brexit argument . . . but any trust will be destroyed for good should the referendum somehow be negated - especially by none other than Blair and his odious former lackey.
Justice denied
THE final betrayal of Poppi Worthington is hard to bear.
Three courts ruled her father Paul sexually assaulted her shortly before she died.
But the police’s staggering incompetence deprived the CPS of crucial evidence to prosecute him - and they have now given up. A private prosecution looks the only option.
The cops who jumped to the conclusion Poppi died naturally, and ignored all warnings otherwise, were negligent beyond belief. But the two senior detectives involved retired on full pensions.
They must be held to account.