The public are sick of Parliament needlessly complicating Brexit and we need to ‘end the delays’
A recent poll in The Sun on Sunday revealed half of Brits believe politicians should just get on with pushing through Brexit
ABOUT a week ago, I was approached by a constituent who asked me why, if we voted over a year ago, we hadn’t left the EU yet.
As I started to explain all the ups and downs, the negotiations and the arguments in Parliament, he took hold of my arm and cut me off by saying “Britain voted to leave, stop arguing about it and get it done.”
He shook his head as he walked away and said over his shoulder, “And I voted to stay in and even I want you to get on with it.”
We can see today that those comments are supported by The Sun on Sunday’s latest poll which shows that the public are heartily sick and tired of the way parliament seems to want to complicate Brexit.
About half of the public believe the UK has voted to leave the EU so the politicians should just get on with it.
Interestingly, despite many in the Labour Party and the Liberal Democrats calling for a second referendum, the poll shows that as little as a quarter favour a second referendum.
Most are content that the government get a deal and Parliament has a vote on it when it is agreed.
Last week, it became apparent that a significant number of MP’s want to stay inside the customs Union and the single market, which is another way of saying we won’t leave the EU at all.
However, the public holds the opposite opinion, for in today’s poll; the majority of people (73 per cent) think Britain should be able to negotiate trade deals with other countries during the Brexit negotiations.
Of course, they know that if we stayed in the Customs Union we wouldn’t be able to do that.
This poll shows there is a significant gap between the wider public and those MP’s who were elected recently on a pledge to leave the Customs Union and the Single Market.
Nowhere is this more apparent than in the Labour party.
In the leave voting constituencies, Corbyn pledged that the Labour Party would leave the EU including the single Market and the Customs union.
Now after all his ducking and diving, in interviews, saying different things to different audiences, their spokesman, Kier Starmer admitted Labour could stay in the Single market and the Customs Union.
Small wonder that today’s poll shows how confused even Labour voters are: two-thirds of Labour voters think Corbyn either wants to block Brexit, stay in the single market or give a second referendum.
Labour have been playing a double game and they are about to be found out.
For example, on Wednesday this week, after the Government lost a vote in the House of Commons, Labour figures said triumphantly that now the Labour Party could stop Brexit.
Their jubilation at being given the chance to wreck Brexit when Conservative rebels voted with Labour was evident in the party raging in Corbyn's office late into the night.
All this means that, as we get ready to vote on Wednesday to put the date of our departure in the legislation - March 29, 2019, I hope all MP’s, Conservative and Labour who stood on a manifesto to leave at the end of the article 50 two-year period, will vote for it.
We need to give Theresa May the strongest mandate to get the best deal for the UK based on taking back control of our laws, our borders and our money whilst leaving the customs Union and the Single Market.
That is what the public expect.
Surely our job is to help Theresa deliver just that, or as today’s poll shows, Jeremy Corbyn will wreck it all.