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Facebook has lost control if it takes 48 hours to down rape threats and MPs need to regulate the monster the social media giant has become

We should be outraged that Facebook will not take down rape threats for 48 hours

Throw the Book

THE arrogance of Facebook is off the dial.

Imagine the furore if any other ­publisher allowed rape threats to MPs to sit untouched on their website for 48 hours after they were reported.

We should be outraged that Facebook will not take down rape threats for 48 hours
We should be outraged that Facebook will not take down rape threats for 48 hoursCredit: Alamy

Why should Facebook be treated ­differently? Are its moderators asleep? Maybe they are moonlighting from the BBC newsroom.

The unavoidable truth is that the social media giant’s owners have lost control of the monster they have created — and must now be regulated.

If MPs aren’t convinced of that by Facebook execs shrugging their shoulders and saying “we can’t stop you being raped”, they never will be.

The social media giant’s owners have lost control
The social media giant’s owners have lost controlCredit: Alamy

Spender Penny

IN his Budget next week, the Chancellor will doubtless tell us there is no money.

Hospitals, social care and schools must continue limping along, like every department except one.

At the Budget announcement next week the Chancellor will no doubt say there is no money
At the Budget announcement next week the Chancellor will no doubt say there is no moneyCredit: Reuters

Because there WILL be £13billion-plus for every conceivable niche foreign aid project civil servants can dream up.

We don’t have that money either. Every penny will be borrowed, for Britain’s workers to pay back for years to come.

New aid secretary Penny Mordaunt says public trust in our donations is vital. That we should be proud of eradicating childhood polio, feeding Burmese refugees and educating Syrian kids.

Indeed. Who isn’t? But she neglects to mention the incredible sums lavished on ­Chinese eco projects the world’s ­second biggest superpower can easily fund itself. Or the £776,000 for Iran, which holds our citizens hostage.

As well meaning as Penny Mordaunt is she fails to mention projects that we fund that we don't need to
As well meaning as Penny Mordaunt is she fails to mention projects that we fund that we don't need toCredit: Reuters

More than half the public thinks most aid is wasted and want it cut. No wonder, when it is based not on need but on an idiotic law forcing us to give away 0.7 per cent of our income each year.

Sorry, Penny. Foreign aid, as it stands, does NOT enjoy the public’s trust.

Shadowy thug

THE greatest danger to Britain is not Brexit. Not even a “hard” one. It’s Labour.

It is revolting to watch the Marxist Shadow Chancellor masquerading as a moderate who merely intends a few harmless tweaks to tax rates.

The biggest threat to Britain is Labour, not Brexit
The biggest threat to Britain is Labour, not BrexitCredit: PA:Press Association

John McDonnell is a hard-left extremist who backs thuggish violence for the cause. Only a fool would imagine he wouldn’t seize the chance of a lifetime to unleash his lunacy in full.

Some businesses allegedly believe a few years of him and Corbyn wouldn’t be so bad. They need their heads tested.

Firms and investors would flee the country on Day 1, if they hadn’t already.

Job losses would be unimaginable, the economy in unprecedented freefall.

John McDonnell is a hard-left extremist who backs thuggish violence
John McDonnell is a hard-left extremist who backs thuggish violenceCredit: PA:Press Association

We believe the key factor ALREADY damaging growth is not Brexit. It is a Marxist mob ahead in the polls.

If our companies — and voters — aren’t afraid of it yet, they should be.

Things you didn’t know you could do on Facebook Messenger – from planning your holiday to keeping you conversations secret

