Chemsex meaning – what are chemsex drugs and what are the risks of taking them?
Taking the three illegal substances before intercourse could have devastating consequences

CHEMSEX is a dangerous sex trend that can have fatal consequences.
As health experts have warned against the intimate practice, here's everything you need to know about the risks...
What is chemsex?
Chemsex is the term used to describe taking drugs in the hope of enhancing sexual activity and is typically carried out by men who have sex with men.
These substances can be consumed before or during intercourse.
Users may congregate at chemsex parties, where groups of people gather together and take drugs before getting intimate.
As the practice is becoming increasingly widespread, the British Medical Journal are urging the government to make chemsex a public health priority.
Which drugs are used for chemsex?
Brits that engage in chemsex usually take a cocktail of three different drugs, which have been dubbed the "un-holy trinity."
These substances are mephedrone (meow meow), GHB/GBL and methamphetamine (crystal meth).
Although mephedrone used to be a legal high, it is now categorised as a Class B drug.
Those engaging in chemsex often take the stimulant as it can make users feel more affectionate and euphoric.
They sometimes also take GHB or GBL, both Class C drugs, depressants that may create a calming affect.
As with poppers, these relaxants can alleviate the pain of anal sex.
Finally, highly addictive Class A drug crystal meth can be taken to make users feel more energetic.
What are the risks of chemsex?
Anyone who takes illegal drugs is putting their health at risk.
As the substances are unregulated, there is no way to be certain that people are buying them in a safe form.
Not only do users run the risk of becoming addicted, overdosing on drugs can be fatal.
Some health experts worry that consuming the stimulants and depressives can lower inhibitions, making casual sex more likely.
This can lead to users contracting sexual transmitted diseases, including HIV.
Have there been any recent chemsex horror stories?
Last year, Gerald Matovu was caged for life over the chemsex murder of a Bond actor he targeted on Grindr.
He plied Eric Michels, 54, with the lethal drug GHB at his home in Chessington, Surrey, then made off with his bank cards and a suitcase full of booze.
In February, a Tesco manager was jailed for six years after he injected crystal meth into his Grindr date before dumping his body in woodland.
Neil Cuckson, 32, chatted with Hiran Chauhan, 24, about taking drugs on the dating app before they met.
The victim went to the home of Cuckson where the latter said they engaged in chemsex, in which both drank liquid ecstasy - GHB.
He told the court he also injected Hiran and himself with crystal meth before the pair fell asleep in the early hours of July 3.
The defendant said he woke up to find the 24-year-old, who worked as a chef, had died.
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However, rather than call the police he kept the body in his flat and went to work as normal at a Tesco Express in Manchester city centre.
He bought a Suzuki Swift car on Gumtree for £200, after earlier purchasing a wheelbarrow and a pitchfork, and in the early hours of July 8 was caught on CCTV struggling to lift the body into car boot.
Cuckson dragged the body, wrapped in plastic sheeting, across the road from his flat in Eccles Old Road to nearby woodland.