The Sun Says

With a healthy new majority likely, Theresa May must be bold in her thinking

PM's only task in the next six weeks is to secure for Britain the strongest Government she can

STRONG Governments can solve problems weak ones can’t.

With Brexit upon us, Britain needs a Government not fretting over Commons defeats or fearing for its future.

With Brexit upon us, Britain needs the strongest Government possible

The Sun said yesterday that a thumping Tory majority after June 8 would free Theresa May to think more imaginatively than anyone has in decades about the problems of the NHS. But it doesn’t stop there.

The country is divided economically between an increasingly comfortable older generation and a younger one struggling to make ends meet and unable to buy a home.

For decades pensioners were desperately short-changed — and both major parties have focused on improving their lot.

PA:Press Association
The PM has promised that the ‘just about managings’ are her priority

It helps that OAPs are far more likely to vote. And so this favouritism goes on, with the “triple lock” guaranteeing healthy rises when it is the younger generation that now needs a leg-up.

Mrs May has repeatedly promised that these “just about managings” are her priority. But where is the practical help?

Her Government’s biggest mistake so far was to target self-employed strivers for a tax hike.


Seeing PM glad-handing EU chiefs has Remainers as giddy as toddlers at Xmas
PM's hope that EU leaders would give the UK a good deal remains a deluded one

It is now being forced, quite rightly, to publish its controversial “clean air” plan, likely to include a declaration of war on 12million drivers of diesel cars, vans and cabs based on disputable ­pollution figures.

Many of those facing these grossly unfair tax rises and fees are “just about managings” too.

The Tories lead Labour with every age group — except those in their 20s.

That’s not all youthful left-wing idealism. It’s that their prospects are poor and the Government doesn’t seem on their side.

With a healthy new majority likely, Mrs May must be bold in her thinking.

She should end the triple-lock and remove State-funded perks from the richest pensioners.

She should reinvent our planning laws and unleash a house-building revolution that will help lower prices to affordable levels.

Rex Features
The Left didn’t complain when Tony Blair won his landslide in 1997

As Margaret Thatcher found, there are few surer ways of attracting a new generation to the Tories than enabling them to own a home.

And the Government should free up money for tax cuts by cutting the vast, unjustifiable foreign aid budget in half.

The Left, facing a historic defeat, whines that the PM is seeking “an elective dictatorship”.

What self-pitying rubbish. We don’t recall them complaining when Tony Blair won his landslide.

It’s not Mrs May’s job to give a useless Opposition a fighting chance.

This is the running of the country we are talking about, not a sack race for toddlers.

Her only task in the next six weeks is to secure for Britain the strongest Government she can.

Brexit aside, she will then have a blank canvas for five years.

What she paints must be radical and brave.

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