Where is my polling station and what time do polls close in the 2017 General Election?
POLLING stations have opened up all across the UK today for the UK general election.
Whether you are voting by person, post or by proxy, it is important to have your say – here's all you need to know about how you find out where your nearest polling station is located.
Where is your nearest polling station for the General Election 2017?
Assuming you have registered to vote, your local council should have sent you a poll card just before the election – this will inform you where you can vote.
If you have lost your polling card, for the address of your designated polling station.
Alternatively, you can type. This will inform you of your local electoral registration office who can help you find the polling station.
What time do polls open and close for the general election?
Polling stations are open from 7am today ("polling day"), and are usually located in public buildings like schools or local halls.
Polls will close at 10pm, and the nail-biting count will begin immediately.
Throughout the night, results from up and down the country will steadily come in, with an official result usually announced the following morning.
Do I need to take my polling card with me to vote?
Don't worry, you don't need to take your card along to vote.
Just tell the people at the desk your name and address and they will find you on the electoral register – and hand you your ballot paper.
If you never received a polling card, it might be because you are not registered – which means you CAN’T vote today.
Contact your l if you are unsure.
Do you need ID to vote in the general election?
You don't need ID to vote in today's political vote.
All you need to do is pop along and give your name and address.
Bringing your polling card might make things a little bit quicker but isn't essential.
Can someone else vote for you in the general election?
There are two situations where you will be allowed to apply for an emergency proxy vote (getting someone to vote on your behalf.)
If you are called away for work unexpectedly or have a personal medical emergency you will be eligible.
However, medical emergencies must to apply to you – you will not be able to get an emergency proxy if loved one falls ill.
When will we know who has won the general election?
An exit poll at 10pm will give the first indication of how the nation has voted.
Counting will take place overnight, with the first seat to declare just before midnight.
If it's a landslide - as initial polls predicted, although it could be closer than many thought - a result could be known by 3am or 4am, but obviously the tighter the race the longer we must wait.