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THE news of Lawrence Dallaglio getting divorced this week made me wonder if any relationship can really withstand an affair.

He and Alice may have just blown the final whistle on their marriage after more than 20 years together — but how many of them were truly happy.

Lawrence Dallaglio and Alice Dallaglio at the National Portrait Gallery Re-Opening.
England Rugby World Cup winner Lawrence Dallaglio and his wife Alice are divorcingCredit: Getty
Lawrence Dallaglio of the London Wasps kisses his wife after a rugby match victory.
The couple's relationship, which began in 1992, has been plagued with scandals and problemsCredit: Getty

Back in 1999 he boasted of sleeping with hookers and taking drugs.  

He then had an affair with a married woman and she had a fling with one of his mates.

But they had three kids together so wiped the slate clean and got married.

It was only a few years later that he repaid her loyalty by spending £10,000 in a London brothel that served up cocaine along with sex, a court heard.

What a gentleman.


Yet this week Alice somehow even seemed to cop the blame for the divorce with one of their supposed friends saying that “their relationship and marriage never really totally got over Alice’s fling”.

Talk about double standards.

If I was Alice I would be wishing that I had gotten out of this toxic marriage years ago.

When it happened to me I did get out — eventually. There is only so much a marriage can survive.

The first time my ex-partner cheated on me I stayed for a while too, just like Alice. I crumbled, I felt hurt, humiliated and tried to forgive him.

Married rugby legend Lawrence Dallaglio sent a woman a snap of his tackle in string of dirty messages

I was too weak to ditch him so I papered over the cracks and hoped that he wouldn’t do it again. But he did.

Then, I finally saw the light, realised this leopard was never going to change his spots and moved on.

It wasn’t just the cheating that hurt, but the lack of a full apology that I never got.

The same has happened to Alice and for that reason my heart goes out to her.

She was publicly humiliated but never received a public apology to match.

Instead the former rugby star was spineless and selfish.    

Spineless and selfish 

When he was first caught bragging about hookers and drugs he said he wasn’t “blameless” and was upset that he had hurt other people — but never said sorry to his wife or praised her for sticking by him.

Perhaps that’s why just 25 per cent of marriages last after one of them has cheated. Perhaps unsurprisingly, the statistics reveal more men than women stay married when they are the cheating partner.

But you have to wonder whether their partner can ever truly forgive — and forget. Whether they can totally regain that trust, which is the true basis of a marriage. I know I couldn’t.

I hope Alice moves on with a man she can trust, someone who is honest to her and who doesn’t have an affair or sleep with prostitutes.

I hope she finds a man who has got the balls to actually stand up for her — instead of against her.

We all need to be just like Kate

THERE may be a small asteroid on its way to hit Earth and fears that World War Three is getting closer, but just looking at smiling Princess Kate this week is enough to realise that life’s not all doom and gloom.

She was pictured laughing as she ducked under an umbrella while leaving Styal Prison in Cheshire where she’d visited inmates in a mother and baby unit.

The Princess of Wales visiting a mother and baby unit.
Princess Kate was pictured laughing as she ducked under an umbrella while leaving Styal Prison in CheshireCredit: PA

If Kate can leave a prison visit beaming, just a few months after fighting cancer, we can surely all find reason to smile – whatever’s going on around us.


NEXT has had an advert banned because one measly complainer said that one of their models looked “unhealthily thin”.

But while dealing with the skinny model fiasco the high street brand revealed that while it hadn’t digitally altered her legs, it had changed the shape of the jeans so that they appeared closer to her ankle.

Woman in jeans and a blue shirt sitting on a wooden block.
Next has had an advert banned because one measly complainer said that one of their models looked 'unhealthily thin'Credit: ASA

So that’s why clothes never look quite the same when we try them on at home as they do on the websites.

And why I end up spending a fortune on returns.

DANIELLE LLOYD struggled to hold back tears when she revealed her skin cancer diagnosis.

The mum-of- five told fans to check moles, stay off sunbeds and wear factor 50.

Her wise words could save another person’s life. I wish her all the best.


THE spat between Peter Kay and a Lisa Riley look-a-like is ridiculous.

At his performance in Manchester the comedian threw out two people who kept shouting and disturbing his show.

One was Myar Curran who stood up and chanted “we love you Peter Kay”.

I don’t blame the comedian, she was disrupting the show for everyone around her who had paid good money for a ticket.

But as she was being taken out by security Kay added: “Go on, off you go Lisa Riley.” Myar – who does look remarkably like the Emmerdale star – is raging.

Peter meanwhile says he didn’t think looking like Lisa was an “insult”.

Neither do I. And the actress herself said she wasn’t offended either.

Let’s hope Myar has learnt a lesson on how to behave in public – and has realised how to take a joke.


I APPLAUD Katie Price for putting her son on an Ozempic style drug.

Say what you want about Pricey – and I have – the one thing she really has proved over the years  is that she is a brilliant mother to Harvey.

Katie Price and her son Harvey.
Katie Price has put son Harvey on an Ozempic style drugCredit: Captive Minds

Poor Harvey, 22, weighs 28 stone because of his Prader-Willi syndrome that means he is constantly hungry with a raging appetite.

Sole carer Katie, 46, consulted top doctors who suggested starting Harvey on the jabs in the hope it will save and improve his life.

He is currently at risk of a heart attack and struggles to walk. What mother wouldn’t do the same for their child. I know I would.

Obesity is a huge problem in our country even for those that don’t have a condition like Harvey.

This week it was revealed that kids as young as TEN have had hip replacements on the NHS because they are so overweight.  

Nearly a quarter of four and five-year-olds are very overweight or obese.

And the number of children being admitted to hospital with an obesity diagnosis rose ten per cent last year.

Just like Harvey – they should be given Ozempic too.  

They may not have a condition but their parents are clearly unable to sort their diets and appetites.  

It could save their lives.

Forcing a kid to be injected with a substance to stop them eating could be classed as child cruelty to some.

But so too is allowing a child to become so fat that they need an operation to deal with their joints before they have even started at secondary school.


THIS must be an age thing.

But Kim Kardashian has launched new padded shorts from her Skims range, promising women “The Ultimate Butt”, and I can’t think of anything worse.

Woman in black padded shorts and bra.
Kim Kardashian has launched new padded shorts from her Skims rangeCredit: Skims

I’ve spent the past three decades doing all I can to make mine smaller.

WHAT an odd couple of days at London celebrity restaurant, Chiltern Firehouse.

On Thursday Manchester City’s Jack Grealish was seen looking “cosy” with a blonde at the bar.

But when he left – with the woman a few paces behind him – he constantly shouted “she’s not with me”. Charming.

I imagine his girlfriend Sasha Attwood is pleased he cleared that one up.

Jack, reportedly, went back inside the restaurant, returned outside on his own, and was seen “sneaking” into a chauffeur-driven car.

Sadly the next night the restaurant went up in flames. Makes you think there’s no smoke without . . . 
