Moment ‘Teacher of the Year’ weeps as she pleads guilty to sexually abusing pupils, 11, & 12, & faces 30 years in prison

THIS is the moment a teacher sobbed in court as she pleads guilty to sexually abusing her students.
Jacqueline Ma, 35, who was named "Teacher of the year" at a California school, broke down in tears as she admitted being in sexual relationships with her two students aged 11 and 12.
The San Diego County teacher was first arrested at Lincoln Acres Elementary in 2023.
She initially faced 180 years behind bars for the shocking abuse.
Ma changed her plea to guilty on two counts of lewd acts with a child under the age of 14, as part of a plea deal that could see her sentenced to 30 years in prison.
Dramatic footage shows Ma muttering "guilty," through tears as the charges were read out at the court on Wednesday.
Ma also pleaded guilty to a count of possessing material containing a minor engaged in or simulating sexual conduct.
Deputy District Attorney Drew Heart told Fox San Diego :
Speaking after the hearing on Tuesday, deputy district attorney Drew Hart said: "Obviously she’s taken responsibility and not gone to trial.
"The consequences of trial would have been more significant. With this resolution, we’re sparing the victims from having to come in and testify in front of a jury.
"From our office’s perspective, it was very important that these be charged as not just sex offenses, but sex offenses done under duress and that’s what she plead to.
"This was very significant to us, not just because she won an award, but because of who she was in the community.
"We think this plea deal sends a message to the community, not just about sex offenses on children, but when you leverage a position of trust, when you leverage good faith with parents in the community and you do this to their children, there will be significant penalties to pay."
The ex-sixth grade teacher was one of the five named Teacher of the Year in San Diego County.
She was arrested just seven months after receiving the award, after the parent of the 12-year-old contacted police to report the inappropriate 10-month relationship.
The teacher sent him photos of herself and asked him to take and send her videos of himself engaging in sex acts, .
In one text, the student responded: "Sometimes I think you don’t understand that I am a kid still."
Ma is due back in court on May 9 nd is expected to be sentenced to 30 years to life.