Labour MP under fire for renting out mouldy and ant-infested flats
A LANDLORD Labour MP is under fire — for renting out mouldy and ant-infested flats.
Jas Athwal — a self-styled “renters’ champion” — lets more homes than any other Parliamentarian with 15.
Nearly half the tenants in one seven-flat block claim they have to scrub their bathroom ceilings regularly to keep mould at bay.
One said: “The whole ceiling would be black if we didn’t clean it every few weeks.”
Another added: “The ants are everywhere — on my kid’s body and clothes.”
Others claimed they were threatened with eviction if they dared to complain or claim benefits, a BBC investigation found.
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Tory Andrew Boff, chairman of the London Assembly, has demanded an investigation by the Labour Party and Redbridge London Borough Council, which Mr Athwal led before his election as Ilford South MP in July.
Mr Athwal said he did not take housing benefit tenants to avoid conflicts of interest with his former role, and had no knowledge of the other issues.
He said: “My properties are managed by an agency selected for their quick response times and excellent customer service.
“This is evidenced by the long tenure of the tenants — over 87 years across 15 properties.”
Mr Athwal, who said he had never evicted a tenant, went on: “I pride myself on being a good landlord.”