Home ownership at 30-year low and one in five people are now renting their homes privately as housing crisis continues to price out Brits from buying
A fresh survey from the Department for Communities and Local Government shows fewer people are living in social housing too
ONE in five people in England are now renting their homes as Britain's housing market continues to price people out.
And home ownership has also hit a 30-year low as fewer people can afford to buy outright.
Latest figures out today from the Department of Communities and Local Government show that the percentage of renters is up from 19 in the 2014/15 year to 19.9 per cent in 2015/16.
The number of people renting households has grown by around a million since 2010 to hit a high of 4.5 million.
Private renters were also shown to be paying around 35 per cent of their income on housing, compared to 18 per cent for people who owned their own home.