Dangerous radioactive particles have been detected across Europe and no-one knows where they came from
Scientists baffled after detecting cancer-causing chemical that's produced during nuclear disasters or atomic bomb blasts
DANGEROUS radioactive particles have been detected in seven different European countries and scientists can't explain where they have come from.
Traces of Iodine-131 were found in Norway, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Germany, France and Spain in January, but the public were not immediately alerted.
These radioactive particles are produced by atomic bomb explosions or nuclear disasters such as Chernobyl or Fukushima.
They appear to be emanating from Eastern Europe, but experts have not been able to say exactly what produced them.
Astrid Liland, head of emergency preparedness at the Norwegian Radiation Protection Authority, that the health risk was very low - which was why she did not raise the alarm after detecting Iodine-131 during the second week of January.
“We do measure small amounts of radioactivity in air from time to time because we have very sensitive measuring equipment," she said.