Are the black and white lines sloping or straight in the mind-bending illusion? You have a genius IQ if you work it out

THIS optical illusion is so difficult that anyone who can figure it out must have eagle eyes and a sky-high IQ.
Only a small percentage of people with a keen eye for detail will be able to tell whether the lines are straight or sloping.
Challenge yourself and see if you can work out this tricky illusion. If you can, you have an incredibly high IQ along with extremely impressive eyesight.
In a brain teaser like this one, the best technique is to really study the image and understand the pattern.
By just having a random glance at the image, you will not grasp whether the lines are sloping or straight.
If you have a sharp brain, it will work quickly to piece together all the information we're seeing. While this illusion may turn your vision fuzzy, keep your focus.
Brainteasers are great fun for those who enjoy keeping their brains alert and challenged with games and puzzles.
It is an effective exercise for your brain that even prolongs the lifespan of short-term memory.
Keep doing our brain teasers and you could start experiencing the results.
Check this mind-bending brainteaser where you are asked to find the hidden butterfly amongst flowers in just seven seconds.
To make things harder, try figuring out what's wrong with this image of smiling women as you count their legs in 11 seconds.
Lastly, you might want to prove you have a 20/20 vision as you search for a strawberry in this carnival scene.
Did you work it out? Scroll to read the answer.
Engaging in activities like solving optical illusions and brainteasers can have many cognitive benefits as it can stimulate various brain regions.
Some benefits include:
All the lines are straight. The black and white blocks are not aligned which confuses our brains into believing they're sloped.
Keep your brain engaged and have a go at our three other illusions.