Labour could face police probe over ‘spiritual influence’ following texts threatening Muslims to vote for Gareth Snell in Stoke by-election
Lib Dems urge Labour following Sun’s revelations 'to condemn the campaign of misinformation and intimidation'
LABOUR face a Stoke by-election probe into “spiritual influence” following the Sun’s revelations Muslim voters were threatened with damnation for not backing the party.
Text messages sent in support of Labour candidate Gareth Snell warned local Muslims it was their religious duty not to vote Ukip or Lib Dem in the crunch vote next week – prompting outrage from their opponents.
“Religious coercion” is outlawed under the Representation of the People’s Act – the law that governs all British elections.
This morning the Lib Dem’s Muslim candidate Dr Zulfiqar Ali has written to Staffordshire Police and election officials saying: “The religious nature of one of these messages could be deemed to be covered by the ruling on ‘undue spiritual influence’.”
In a statement released on Thursday morning the Lib Dems urged Labour “to condemn the campaign of misinformation and intimidation currently underway in their name in Stoke-on-Trent”.
And they are demanding an apology from “members and activists who have been involved in stirring up community tensions and to suspend all those involved in the text scandal.”
One message said failure to back Labour’s Gareth Snell would see “anti-Islam” Ukip win.
It ranted: “Will you be able to answer for this in the Grave and on the Final Day??? ‘I helped the Enemies of Islam because…’”
Ahead of the crunch by-election, the anonymous messages were sent around the seat that has a 7% Muslim population.
Last night local Ukip activist Tariq Mahmood, who received the text, told The Sun it was being “circulated via text and WhatsApp throughout the local community”, adding that it was “outrageous”.
The controversial message claims that voting for any other party — despite the Lib Dems have a Muslim candidate standing — would serve “to Elect an Anti Muslim and Anti Islam MP.”
It said that all Muslims are compelled to vote for the Labour Party candidate and ends “may glorious Allah grant us all guidance, amen.”
And the Sun can also reveal another divisive text in circulation.
It reads: “Every Racist is voting for UKIP. UKIP are a Racist Party, who are hate Muslims and Islam.”
It was sent by a local Labour activist Navid Hussain who has posed for photographs with Labour’s candidate Gareth Snell and hard-left Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn.
He also sent a message out on Facebook that “you must vote for Gareth Snell” as Ukip “hate all Muslims and all immigrants.”
Despite their candidate posing with one of the authors, a Labour campaign spokesman said last night: “We were not aware of these text messages and we don’t condone the content. The campaign did not sanction the sending of these messages.”