There can be no sugar-coating latest vast and unsustainable immigration numbers – who will get them down?
Net migration of 685,000 in a year is still a mind-boggling number, especially after 764,000 the year before
Migrant mess
THERE can be no sugar-coating the latest vast and unsustainable immigration numbers.
OK, the 2023 total is down ten per cent on 2022, as the Government says.
It is also true that they are still inflated by genuine refugees we are rightly taking in from Ukraine and Hong Kong. That the Tories’ recent curbs should slash the totals dramatically this year.
And that Labour opposes just about every effort to do so because at heart it is squeamish about border controls.
But those are excuses.
Net migration of 685,000 in a year — the vast majority here legally — is still a mind-boggling number, especially after 764,000 the year before.
These are city-sized populations.
Imagine how many new homes, hospitals, schools and roads we would need to complete each year to cope with those alone. What actually gets built is a minuscule fraction of that.
The public was aghast when the levels were a third of what they now are.
That is not “racism”, as dim Left-wingers tediously claim. It is a justified anguish over the impact of such a population rise on housing, transport, the NHS and other public services.
This doesn’t bother Labour, or its voter base of affluent middle-class graduates. Maybe because waiting lists and other hardships don’t much affect them.
The rest of Britain wants proper, enforced controls of the sort we believed we were getting from Brexit and the Tories’ victory in 2019.
With an election in less than six weeks, which party will give a cast-iron manifesto guarantee to get these numbers down to truly manageable levels?
NIGEL Farage’s refusal to stand for election should simplify matters for disaffected Tories considering voting for Reform.
They may want to damage or destroy the Conservatives. But without Farage leading it from the front, Reform is just a ragtag protest outfit unlikely to win a seat and vanishingly unlikely to replace the Tories as the main party of the Right.
So each Reform vote from an ex-Tory will put Keir Starmer nearer victory, perhaps with a majority big enough to secure a decade in power.
Given Labour’s instincts on immigration, tax and wokery, Reform voters would loathe every second.
The Tories can hammer this message home relentlessly now.
Pour show
NOTHING gets a drinker frothing mad like a pint poured short.
So it is scandalous to discover seven in every ten drinks in our pubs is not the full measure. Especially when pints nationwide cost a fiver or more.
Top them up, bar staff! Or we’ll be bitter.