Cavalry horse badly hurt in panicked dash through London returns to barracks — but fears grow for stablemate

More than 150 animals are taken on routine exercise in London each day

THE white cavalry horse badly hurt in a panicked dash through London was back at barracks last night — but fears were growing for its stablemate.

Vida was treated by vets for lacerations which saw its coat soaked in blood but Quaker was in an equine hospital with its future “not looking good”, sources said.

Two horses on the loose bolt through the streets of LondonCredit: PA

The pair were among seven Household Cavalry steeds on an exercise from Hyde Park Barracks in Knightsbridge, central London, that were spooked when builders dropped concrete down a rubbish chute.

Four bolted, throwing their Life Guards Regiment riders before galloping away.

The terrified animals slammed into cars, a people carrier, a cab and a double-decker bus as they ran.

Videos showed a police 4x4 with blue lights tailing them.


The last two were finally rounded up in Limehouse, East London — more than six miles from where they started.

Vida and Quaker were both operated on after the drama.

An Army spokesman said: “Vida was the most visibly injured and the pictures of the horse running through London soaked in blood were horrifying.

“Vida was operated on overnight and is currently in stables at the Hyde Park Barracks under observation. Quaker was also operated on overnight but it was decided to move the horse to an equine hospital for more specialist treatment.


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“The extent of the injuries is not completely clear but we don’t believe at this stage there are any broken bones.”

“We are hoping that both these horses make a recovery.”

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A military source, however, said things were “not looking good” for Quaker.

Defence minister James Cartlidge described Wednesday’s occurrence as “exceptional”.


He said more than 150 animals were taken on routine exercise in the capital each day.
