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THE sabotaging of the Rwanda Bill by left-wing Lords is shamefully and revoltingly cynical.
Theirs is not a principled objection. It is a political tactic — at odds with the public — designed to help Labour.
For all their guff about the Tories’ deterrent being a “gimmick”, the party genuinely fears it WILL stop the boats.
That faced with a trip to Africa instead of a cosy life in Britain at taxpayers’ expense, the chancers queuing in France for a dinghy will think better of it.
This would mortify Labour. First because it might trigger a revival in Tory fortunes big enough to be worrying.
Second because it would prove Labour wrong once again on a major issue. And its position would be all the more untenable given that it intends to scrap the Rwanda flights “even if they work”.
Labour has no alternative plan to stop illegal migration because it doesn’t genuinely want to.
Many of its front-benchers are typical of the hand-wringing liberal-Left whose definition of “refugee” encompasses fit young men, fleeing nothing but landing here illegally solely to make a better living than they can back home.
It makes Labour feel “inclusive” to welcome them, whoever they are.
To many on the Left, that is really all that matters.
Most read in The Sun
British frail
WE will not argue that today’s increased focus on mental health is a bad thing.
But Work and Pensions Secretary Mel Stride is right that it has gone too far.
Too many people DO now believe “the normal ups and downs of life are medical conditions” rendering them incapable of any work.
Schools, the NHS and even workplaces encourage this folly. People self-diagnose and their GP signs them off — even though idling forever on benefits is the sure way to feel even worse.
Labour’s response yesterday was dispiriting. Stride’s unimpressive shadow Alison McGovern was “at a loss to understand what he is talking about”.
But top medic Professor Dame Clare Gerada said he was right.
She said mental ill health is not worsening except among young women — yet the benefit claims for it have soared.
Since Labour, almost uniquely, does not see this as a problem we must conclude they would never attempt to fix it.
Saved by Covid
IT’S still a way off — but incredibly Covid may yet give mankind a cancer cure.
The same tech AstraZeneca used to create its vaccine is being copied by UK scientists to develop what would be a historic jab preventing lung tumours.
Covid was the gravest health crisis in a century, killing seven million worldwide.
What a staggering and wonderful twist if it ends up saving many more than that.