Angela Rayner introduced herself as ‘landlord’ of her council house, says neighbour in new allegations
ANGELA Rayner introduced herself as the “landlord” of her old council house, a neighbour says in new allegations.
Pressure is piling on the Labour deputy leader to prove she does not owe up to £3,000 capital gains tax from the 2015 sale of her right-to-buy house.
Ms Rayner insists she was not liable for it on the property as it was her primary residence.
But critics point out she married five years earlier and had been spending time at her husband’s property.
Neighbour Chris Hinett, 64, who still lives on the street in Stockport, told The Times he only met Ms Rayner once when she intervened over a broken window.
He recalled: “I had never seen her but she was parked up in the street looking at the boy’s house.”
“But when she said ‘I’m the landlord’ of the house where the window was broken, I knew why she was there.”
Mr Hinett said her brother, Darren Bowen, was living there.
Tory MPs want a probe into whether tax was due on £48,500 profit she made.
Jonathan Gullis said: “It’s time she came clean.”
A Labour spokesman said: “Angela has taken advice confirming no tax was payable.”