Theresa Cachuela dead at 33: Hawaii Instagram influencer and House of Glam owner shot in the head in front of daughter

The mother filed a restraining order two weeks before the shooting

A HAWAIIAN social media influencer and mother of three was killed in front of her youngest daughter on Friday in a brazen daytime shooting.

Theresa Cachuele, 33, was shot in the head on Friday by her estranged husband, Jason Cachuela, 44, in the parking lot of a Honolulu area shopping center.

Theresa was the owner of House of Glam Hawaii LLC

Theresa’s daughter, who local outlets have said is either 6 or 8 years old, saw the shooting, witnesses told local ABC affiliate .

Jason then reportedly shot himself shortly after fleeing the scene, according to police.

Police are investigating it as a murder-suicide.

The shooting came two weeks after Theresa was granted a temporary restraining order against Jason on December 8. 

“This was not a random act, as the victim and suspect were involved in a relationship,” police Lt. Deena Thoemmes said Friday before Jason was found dead, the reported.

“We do know that there was a TRO that was served on him, which is why this case was classified as murder in the first degree.”

Police retrieved all five of Jason’s registered firearms after the restraining order was granted.

Theresa told police that on December 6 Jason “continued to make threats of killing himself in front of me, and my children were present,” per the Tribune-Herald.

The restraining order said Jason was only allowed to contact Theresa for child custody, according to court documents.

Theresa and Jason were married for 10 years.

Theresa was the owner of House of Glam Hawaii LLC.

She also went by Bunny Bontiti (@_bontiti_) on social media.

Lucita Ani-Nihoa, Theresa’s mother, said the daughter who was on the scene is traumatized.

“Her youngest daughter is the one that tragically saw everything,” Ani-Nihoa told .

“She’s traumatized. She has so much faith, this little girl. She just she just started praying. Lives have changed forever.”

Her husband, Roy Nihoa, added “the system failed” Thersesa because Jason was never arrested after “knowing that he had guns, knowing that he tried to threaten, he threatened to kill the kids and her in her own garage.”

“The court wasn’t there for her,” he said.

“She wanted to leave him but he wasn’t accepting it. He tried to control her with, with everything … where she would go what she would do.”

Roy said Theresa also recently filed for divorce.

Theresa has been described as a great mom and woman by her family.

“She was very supportive of her kids and she did everything she could to protect them,” Theresa’s cousin, Terrell Scott, told KITV.

“She’s super loving and an amazing woman. I love her and I’m sorry her kids are going through this.”

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