Bra tycoon Michelle Mone admits misleading Press about links to firm with Covid PPE contracts

Company also faces probe by another agency

BRA tycoon Michelle Mone has admitted misleading the Press about her links to a firm which made £200million from Covid PPE contracts.

But the Tory peer and her billionaire husband insisted they’ve “done nothing wrong”.

AFP - Getty
Lady Mone admitted to making an erorr in what she said to the Press, but denied defrauding the Department of Health

Lady Mone, 52, is accused of receiving £29million after lobbying the Government for PPE Medpro to win deals.

In a Medpro-funded YouTube video with her hubby Doug Barrowman, 58, the pair today denied defrauding the Department of Health.

PPE Medpro is being sued for £122million over millions of medical gowns said to be unfit for purpose.

The company is also being probed by the National Crime Agency.

Lady Mone initially denied any links to PPE Medpro but admits in the film: “I made an error in what I said to the Press.

“I regret not saying to the Press straight away, ‘Yes, I am involved’.

“And the Government knew I was involved.”

But she went on: “We’ve done nothing wrong.”

A Health Department spokesman said: “We do not comment on ongoing legal cases.”

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