Met Police are making up excuses as they go along to give pro-Hamas mob a free pass to bring fear to our streets

Met chief Mark Rowley claims no law exists to arrest them under

Thugs’ charter

THE pathetic Met Police are making up excuses as they go along now for giving the pro-Hamas mob a free pass to violate war memorials and bring fear to our streets.

We despair at the weasel excuses for standing aside as flag-toting thugs clambered over the poppy-bedecked Royal Artillery Memorial.

A pro-Palestine protester was seen on top of the Royal Artillery Memorial at Hyde Park Corner

Met chief Mark Rowley claims no law exists to arrest them under. On what legal basis, then, did his cops ­protect the Cenotaph from protesters last weekend?

Is he now arguing it is legal for baying goons to climb on war monuments waving Palestine flags and instilling fear in Jews? Rubbish.

And we’ll bet his cops would collar a Union Jack-waver up there fast enough.

The reality is surely that either the Met has picked sides with the Palestine mob, as Suella Braverman suggested, or its officers are too scared of them.

Either way, the force is enabling hate-spouting know-nothings to paralyse our capital and intimidate passers-by with impunity whenever they feel like it.

There ARE applicable offences. “Disorderly behaviour” being one of several.

So we don’t need new laws. Just police willpower — emboldened by tougher, more coherent and impartial leadership.

Feeble force

YOU cannot be nicked on a war memorial. But you COULD be for saying “policeman”.

What more proof do we need that “progressive” wokeness has driven cops mad?

Staff in Staffordshire have been warned they could be offending unless they say “police officer” when describing what sane people call a policeman.

And the language wokewashing doesn’t stop there. “Elderly”, “OAP” or “pensioner” are barred as offensive to old people even though they are not.

The homeless are “people experiencing homelessness”, a truly pointless ­distinction. Poor areas are areas “with access to fewer opportunities”.

Last year this same force blew £3,300 on LGBT rainbow paraphernalia.

Bamboozled by social media, and all the “diversity and inclusion” grifters they hired, police chiefs have become a woke joke.

Dole clamp

A DOLE crackdown on those who cannot be bothered to seek work is long overdue.

The Tories fixed this problem once, creating a jobs miracle in the teeth of a recession 13 years ago. But Covid handouts, important as they were, lured a new generation into elective idleness.

Many people, in fairness, are too sick to work, especially with NHS waits as long as they are. But Chancellor Jeremy Hunt is right to unveil new measures ensuring that fit Brits who refuse to find or accept a job will pay a price.

That’s good news for taxpayers.

And those claimants affected will ultimately see it was good for them too.

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