Political party promising free kegs of beer soars to third in polls in Austria

A POLITICAL party promising free kegs of beer and public booze fountains has soared to third in the polls in Austria.

The Beer Party says it will give each adult a 90-pint ­barrel of free alcohol a month.

Austria’s Beer Party — which outlandishly plans to give each adult a 90-pint barrel of free alcohol a month — has soared to third in the polls

Each child would also get a 35-pint mini-keg under the party’s outlandish plans.

Voters are also being wooed by the promise of a free booze fountain in capital Vienna.

Polls for Vienna’s state elections put the party third with a record-high 12 per cent of the vote.

The group claims beer is “the best choice for Austria” — where its population knocks back an average of 170 pints a year each.

If elected, the party would offer those “with less drinking talent” state support to increase their consumption.

Mandatory closing times for bars, clubs and restaurants would also be scrapped so they can open 24/7.

It says “atrocities”, such as beer crafted with juice, would be taxed at 50 per cent to encourage drinkers to buy “real beer”.

But its manifesto also includes serious pledges to invest in public transport and build more homes for Ukrainian refugees.

The group was set up as a joke in 2015 by Dominik Wlazny, the singer for Austrian punk band Turbobier.

But he shocked pundits by finishing third in ­Austria’s presidential election last year, winning 337,000 votes.

Wlazny, 36, a former doctor, said the party was inspired by the lyrics to one of his own songs, Bierpartei, which said: “If you like to be fat and drink a lot every day, then vote for us now, the Beer Party.”

Wetherspoon pub chain boss Tim Martin joked today: “There is ample room for a ­similar party in the UK.”

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