FOR decades, UFOS and aliens were considered to be the realm of tinfoil hat wearing conspiracy theorists - but are now considered a threat to national security and are discussed at the highest levels of government.
Something has changed as US officials have appeared to admit there is something in the skies - as credible witnesses continue to come forward to tell their extraordinary stories.
The 2010s saw decades of stigma began to break down as the politicians made UFO sightings a matter of national security concern.
Congressional hearings from ex-military personnel have even caught the attention of sceptics as military pilots have told of encountering objects that moved in ways they cannot understand.
In other countries, the movement for the government to acknowledge the potential of extraterrestrial life has even seen "dead alien corpses" put on display in congress.
Former defence officials have also come forward to suggest some kind of cover-up at the heart of the Pentagon.
Today, NASA released a groundbreaking UFO report as the space agency pushes for improving tracking and using artificial intelligence (AI) to help search for alien life.
The report, conducted by 16 experts from , examined how data about unidentified anomalous phenomena, or UAPs, is collected across the government and private sectors.
But it took years of pleading for the government to begin investigating sightings, a new office in the Pentagon was founded last July which allows servicemen to report unidentified aerial phenomena without fear of retaliation.
In July, the office revealed nearly half of the sightings reported were strange and require further investigation.
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US Navy videos released in 2019 marked a game changing moment for UFO witnesses, as the footage appeared to corroborate witness accounts.
Two videos showed three encounters between warplanes and what the navy says “are unidentified aerial phenomena”.
The craft was described by one of the pilots mentioned in the report as "solid white, smooth, with no edges... uniformly coloured with no nacelles, pylons or wings", and looked like "an elongated egg or Tic-Tac".
Commander Dave Fravor and Lt. Commander Alex Dietrich also came clean about their harrowing experience off the coast of San Diego, which was documented in videos from the Navy.
While flying their plane across the ocean, the two said they witnessed a "Tic-Tac" object above white water.
Fravor and Dietrich said they were unnerved that they hadn't been informed about the object and didn't have any weaponry to defend themselves had something happened.
Former navy pilot Chad Underwood also saw a "Tic Tac" UFO, and said he cannot be sure if the object was from this world.
And UFO whistle blower David Grusch, a former intelligence officer, came forward with bombshell allegations that the US has a secret UFO retrieval program.
Grusch claimed that while he was working as an officer with top-secret clearance, he was denied access to a crash retrieval program.
He said: “These are retrieving non-human origin technical vehicles, call it spacecraft if you will, non-human exotic origin vehicles that have either landed or crashed."
Lue Elizondo - a former US Army intelligence officer - revealed that he couldn't explain a lot of what he encountered.
He told The Sun: "We spend billions of dollars to know everything in our sky, and you're going to tell them we have no idea what they are?"
Former military chief Christopher Mellon came forward and said there's a possibility "aliens on reconnaissance missions" are mapping the surface of the Earth.
Odd triangular aircraft have been spotted above more than 50 US military bases, he said.
Last June, the Pentagon released a highly anticipated report on unexplained aerial phenomena.
The shocking report studied 144 incidents from military pilots between 2004-2021 - only one of them was able to be explained.
Even as many embrace UFOs and are legitimising the sightings, others have pointed out another issue - national security.
During the congressional hearings in July, Representative Robert Garcia pointed out: "UAPs, whatever they may be, may pose a serious threat to our military and our civilian aircraft, and that must be understood.
"We should encourage more reporting, not less on UAPs. The more we understand, the safer we will be.”
Many are calling for the government to communicate more about UFOs as the governmental acknowledgement of eyewitness accounts has caused the biggest stir around UFOs since after World War Two.
UFO tales were first a hot topic in the 1940s and 1950s with incidents like Roswell and Hollywood films - but the government dismissed it in the strongest possible terms.
Then from 1952 to 1969, the US government began secretly compiling reports of UFO sightings through "Project Blue Book" - all while denying their existence to the public.
For years, terrified witnesses to these unexplained flying aircraft were accused of lying or told they were crazy.
But as decades of evidence have mounted, governments now appear to be taking sightings of extraterrestrial life and UFOs more seriously.
And as the Pentagon maintains that it has not received information to substantiate any of the dramatic claims from former government officials, many have become convinced that we are not alone.