Captain Tom Moore’s family claim they did nothing wrong after being ordered to knock down spa ‘built using hero’s name’

CAPTAIN Sir Tom Moore’s family has defended their decision to build a spa complex in his name.

Hannah Ingram-Moore, 52, and husband Colin built the 50ft by 20ft pool house equipped with changing rooms, toilets and showers.

Hannah Ingram-Moore and her husband have defended a decision to build a spa in her dad’s name

The couple are appealing against a decision to tear it down

The couple told planners they wanted an office for The Captain Tom Foundation at their £1.2million home.

But The Sun revealed they instead built the unauthorised spa and pool complex in their garden, which they have since been ordered to tear down.

The couple are now appealing the order and defended the structure in planning documents.

Colin said: “The subject building is no more overbearing than the consented scheme.

The view is virtually identical save for a pitch roof being added to the elevational treatment. The heights are the same. As such there cannot be an unacceptable overbearing impact.”

He also claimed there were “no grounds supporting the refusal of the retrospective application” and asked the Planning Inspectorate to uphold their appeal.

Plans for the L-shaped building at the seven-bed mansion in Marston Moretaine were given the green light in 2021.

The couple had applied in their own names for planning — but used the foundation’s name in the design and access and heritage statement.

The statement claimed the building was to be used partly “in connection with The Captain Tom Foundation and its charitable objectives”.

A subsequent 2022 retrospective application – which is sought after something has already been built – to extend the originally approved building to form a C-shape, containing a spa pool, was refused by the planning authority.

The structure was referred to as The Captain Tom Building and described as “a new building for use by the occupiers”, aka Hannah and Colin.

Bedfordshire Council confirmed last month a notice of demolition had been issued, which is now subject to an appeal to the Planning Inspectorate.

Captain Tom lifted spirits during the first Covid lockdown by walking laps of his garden in the run-up to his 100th   birthday.

He raised almost £39million for the NHS before his death from the disease in February 2021.

Shortly before his death, Captain Tom, accompanied by his family, travelled to Barbados. Soon after he fell ill and was not seen in public again.

Capt Tom raised millions for the NHS during lockdown

Hannah claimed she needed the building for memorabilia

The veteran was knighted, honoured with an RAF flypast and received 225,000 100th birthday cards

Captain Tom surrounded by his family in Barbados

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