British troops trained with Ukraine’s tactic of bikes and bazookas to take out tanks

BRIT troops are using “shoot-and-scoot” tactics with bikes and bazookas which they learned from fighting the Taliban.

Tank-killing teams will ride e-bikes with rockets slung over their shoulder as Top Brass blend urgent battlefield lessons from Afghanistan and Ukraine.

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The British military is using ‘scoot and shoot’ battlefield tactics

The troops are on motorbikes using bazooka-like weapons to take out enemy tanks

Soldiers at the Army’s Experimentation and Trials Unit have been testing the electric dirt bikes to get assault teams to and from missions.

Taliban fighters used cheap Chinese motorbikes and Russian rocket propelled grenades to attack UK troops then scarper.

Ukraine’s heroic defenders have also used “small unit tactics” to sneak up on Russian tank columns and blitz them with shoulder-launched missiles.

The Army said its new e-bikes would make the “most elite soldiers more agile, lethal, expeditionary and resilient”.

The Aussie-made Stealth bikes have top speeds of 50mph and a range of more than 35 miles.

The Sun witnessed troops use the bikes armed with Carl Gustaf Mk4 shoulder-launched recoilless rifles to ambush a Russian T-72 tank on a training range in Lulworth in Dorset.

Bikes give frontline troops “excellent tactical mobility” without the roar of a normal motorbike or the heat signature from a standard engine, which could give the soldiers’ position away.

They added: “The e-bike facilitates faster and deeper movement than currently possible with in service platforms, allowing depth whilst patrolling at great speed.”

The bikes were first brought in as a way to get sniper teams into their hides close to enemy lines.

They were so successful they role was expanded to anti-tank teams and signallers.

The also being tested as a low tech way for soldiers to zip between friendly positions to deliver face-to-face messages when enemy jammers block radios.

Insurgents in southern Afghanistan routinely used bikes to sneak up on British patrols in the badlands of Helmand province.

An Army spokesperson said: “The e-Bikes experiment is demonstrating the capability will increase mobility and decision making on the battlefield, making our most elite soldiers more agile, lethal, expeditionary and resilient.”

The Carl Gustaf Mk4 rocket was brought to relate rockets sent to Ukraine.

A source said: “It will defeat a range of threats on the modern battlefield, further enhancing our lethality.

“The system will be used by dismounted close combat troops to destroy, defeat, or suppress enemy dug in positions, buildings, troops in the open, vehicles, and tanks at ranges out to 1500m.”

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