My daughter was put in isolation over breaking school uniform rules even though the teacher was wearing something worse

A MUM has protested after her daughter was punished for breaking school uniform rules – claiming her teacher was wearing worse.

Jade Milton’s 12-year-old daughter was forced into isolation rooms away from other pupils at school for a week as punishment for having a nose piercing.

Strood Academy bosses have declared a ban on nose piercings for pupils

Yet the mother claims Strood Academy chiefs in Rochester, Kent, are being hypocritical, saying her daughter’s teacher is wearing an “ear stretcher” piercing himself.

Parents have launched a rebellion against the nose stud crackdown which they say is barring their children from “getting an education”.

School leaders insist the new approach comes after consultation with families which found most “supportive of the standards” being put into place, according to .

Yet Ms Milton, 32, said of her daughter: “She’s not being naughty so why is she being punished?

“The teacher that brought her out to me on Friday had an ear stretcher in – are you saying she isn’t allowed a clear plastic stud when he has one of those things?

“It’s a joke how a clear stud is stopping her from getting an education.”

Also accusing the 1,300-pupil school of being too strict is Sumon Miah, whose 15-year-old daughter Alesha was also put into isolation detention as a penalty for wearing a nose stud.

He said:  “My kid was put in isolation and bullied to remove it. She phoned me crying as I was told to come and collect her.

“She is doing her mock GCSE exams at the moment but she is having to miss them because of this stud in her nose.

“She has had it for six weeks now and it wasn’t a problem before but now they have been trying to force her to take it out.

“She can’t remove it because it will close up and when we removed it the other day it just bled non-stop.”

He insisted wearing the nose stud was important to his family’s cultural heritage.

The school insisted an email was sent to pupils and parents last month laying out the new uniform rules.

A spokesman said: “In May this year the principal communicated the school’s policy to parents to ensure consistency and we have been continuing to monitor students to ensure they adhere to this policy.

“Parents are regularly reminded of the expectations with regard to uniform, hairstyles and piercings.

“The academy has continued to work with parents and students to ensure communications are frequent, well detailed and clear of the expectations.

“The policy on nose piercings is clear and students are not permitted to wear them at school and where identified students will be asked to remove them.

“The academy holds a consistent stance here to ensure that all students are treated equally and fairly.

“We appreciate that uniform standards can often be an area of concern for parents but on the whole most students adhere to the guidelines and parents are supportive of the standards we have in place.”

Strood Academy previously made the news when a pupil on his way to classes has urine hurled over him by a hooded yob.

It also punished a 12-year-old student for having a mohican haircut.

The new nose stud clampdown comes as a schoolboy in Stockport in Greater Manchester was put in detention for wearing shorts.

An 11-year-old girl from Leicester was similarly punished by her school for having a nose stud – as was another pupil aged 13, from Blackpool in Lancashire.

Another parent recently took to social media site TikTok to complain about how her daughter was disciplined by teachers over her choice of T-shirt.

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