Families are starving to death amid fears of widespread famine in Kim Jong-un’s North Korea
FAMILIES are starving to death amid fears of widespread famine in North Korea, it has emerged.
Dictator Kim Jong-Un shut the isolated country’s borders in 2020 when the Covid pandemic started.
And the tyrant — nicknamed Rocket Man — halted the import of grain from nearby China.
He then ordered his army to crack down on foreign food smuggling.
Construction worker Chan Ho said: “Every day it gets harder to live.
“One wrong move and you are facing execution.
“We’re stuck here waiting to die.”
Expert Peter Ward said: “Middle-class people are seeing starvation in their neighbourhoods.
“This doesn’t look good.”
Hanna Song, director of human rights charity NKDB, added: “For the past 10-15 years we have rarely heard of cases of starvation.
Most read in The Sun
"This takes us back to the most difficult time in North Korean history.”