Calling a woman a ‘non-man’ is non-sense – why are woke left constantly trying to brainwash us with divisive new words?
IF someone isn’t a man then what are they? “A woman”? Ha – wrong answer, bigot!
According to the geniuses at John Hopkins University, this week’s correct answer is a “non-man”.
The US uni this week described gay men as “men attracted to men” while their definition of a lesbian was a “non-man attracted to non-men”.
As JK Rowling, among others, noted, it is as though the only word available is “man” and without someone being a man there is “a vacuum”.
Of course, the only real vacuum is in the heads of the idiots at John Hopkins.
People who think they are smart by inventing nonsense terms then pushing them on the rest of us.
As though these language games can change reality.
Consider some of the other words foisted on us recently.
Just this week it was announced that officials working for London Mayor Sadiq Khan are banned from referring to men and women, let alone the courteous “Ladies and gentlemen”.
The memo to City Hall employees tells them to refer to “People” or “Londoners” so as not to exclude “non-binary people”.
The guidance claims that the terms male and female are “dated and medicalised”.
It’s not just on issues to do with sex or “gender” that this new newspeak is being forced on men and women.
The London Mayor’s staff were also told not to refer to migrants as “illegal”. Even if they are.
A number of other terms are offered instead.
People with “insecure immigration status”, for instance. Or “undocumented” people.
Funnily enough, these precise terms have been adopted in the US in recent years. And they haven’t changed a darn thing.
In fact, it may interest people to know that illegal migration has soared during this period.
And that is one of the things about all these attempts at language change.
You might try to change the language but it does nothing to change reality.
In fact it is worse than that. The language games occur precisely in order to cover up the reality.
If you have historically high levels of illegal migration, as we do in the UK and in the US, there are a number of things you can do about it.
The most obvious one is to stop the illegal migration and secure your borders.
Cover up reality
Ah — but that requires some political balls. To use a term that wouldn’t fly in City Hall.
At the very least, it requires political action — tough calls, including turning people away.
Or what we used to call, “enforcing the law”.
How much easier it is instead to try to change the words that people use.
So much of this is an import from America. So we know where all this will go.
For instance, America is also suffering a crisis of homelessness.
Major American cities are covered in , tents and more.
And what do the heads of left-run cities like Los Angeles do?
Do they ever actually manage to reduce the homelessness in their cities?
No, never. The problem itself only ever gets worse.
But all the while, you can rely on left-wing politicians to come up with “nicer” terms to call homeless people.
“Unhoused” is one such term.
As though the house that should be under their feet just happens not to be there.
Sleeping on a sidewalk has also been renamed. In fact, it has been made into a right. “The right to rest”.
All of it is an effort to do away with reality. Or fail to face up to it.
So idiots like those at John Hopkins seem to think that if you keep coming up with new terms, you can pretend away “the gender binary”.
It is one of the reasons why the term “cis” has been taken up everywhere by the gender ideologues.
What is a “cis” person?
A “cis” person is a person who is the sex that they were born as and who identifies as that sex.
Why does that even need a name?
The late comedian Norm Macdonald said it best.
“It is a way of marginalising a normal person.”
“Heteronormativity” is another term we are hearing more and more — the loaded claim that heterosexuality is the norm and so at risk of seeming superior.
Cancers ignored
In other words, if you’re straight, you inherently think your sexuality is better than that of others and that you must be persuaded out of this stance.
You might not think yourself superior because of your sexuality but there are plenty of people who will be happy to claim that you do.
While it can seem trivial and petty, this new glossary can also be dangerous.
The NHS is just one institution to have fallen prey to this new newspeak.
Earlier this year, the NHS chose to remove the word “woman” from its website and to use the term “cervix holders” instead.
Apart from being wildly demeaning to 51 per cent of the population it could also be life-threatening.
According to one cancer charity, more than 40 per cent of women in the UK don’t know what the cervix is.
So this language game becomes lethal, as women and their cancers are ignored.
All in the name of trying to change reality for a tiny number of people.
Here’s another idea. We don’t need the language changed.
We need to accept reality. And work with it.