I was a teacher down to the last coins in my purse & facing eviction by my landlord now I rake in £60,000 a month
A FORMER teacher who was down to the last few coins in her purse and facing eviction by her landlord has told how she turned her life around and now makes up to £60,000 a month.
Louise Roberts, 40, told how the 2020 lockdowns left her in a downward spiral that saw her left nearly penniless - recalling how she was left in tears by her situation.
But as she was on the brink of ruin, she decided to take back control - as she started an OnlyFans account, quickly amassing legions of dedicated fans.
And she has not looked back since - even when she remembers the dark days as she was left weeping behind the wheel of her Fiat 500.
"At one point, I had enough money in my purse to pay for a roast chicken to see me through for a week," she told The Sun Online.
Louise snapped a picture of her little leather purse which held just a dozen coins and she wept over what she was doing with her life.
"That was my rock bottom kind of moment, and I thought rather than cry I'm going to take photos at this moment because one day it'll make for an epic story when I turn it around," said Louise, from Essex.
After leaving her ex-husband, her pets and her home, Louise took her small car and went on the journey to find her freedom.
And now she said she feels "more powerful" and "sexier" than ever before.
She started her OnlyFans in January 2021 and was facing eviction from her flat that May - but nothing could have prepared her for fortunes that were about to start rolling in.
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Louise told The Sun Online: "Within one week I was out of my overdraft completely for the first time in a long time.
"And, yeah, it's just it's been a whirlwind since then, I did it all on my own".
She spent 13 years in the classroom as she taught maths to eleven to 18-year-olds.
But not long before the pandemic, she decided she wanted a change and was lacking motivation for her job.
Instead, she pursued a passion for fitness and started leading classes at a local Virgin Active gym.
But shortly after starting her brand new job, she was forced to leave when she sustained a back injury.
I turned 40 feeling the sexiest than I've ever felt before
Louise Roberts
And then the pandemic hit, the UK was plunged into lockdown, and her hopes for a new start came to a grinding halt.
Louise was devastated as her life seemed to be falling apart - but after hitting rock bottom she decided to claw her way back using OnlyFans.
In the first couple of months of being a content creator, Louise revealed she consecutively made around £7,000.
Now, the model is raking in six figures a year with a jaw-dropping sum of £60,000 last October.
The OnlyFans star has since been able to help out friends and family with financial woes and even bailed an ex out of bankruptcy during lockdown thanks to her substantial income.
And now, she is in talks with her local gym about buying the building, using the money she has earned from OnlyFans.
"Once, I couldn't afford a gym membership, and now I'm actually negotiating buying my local gym and it's just a good feeling because you know, I'm a little blonde girl 40-years-old, I feel like it's quite unsuspecting," she said.
"When you walk into a gym you've got these big guys and they're just sort of owning the place and I'm walking in like yeah, I'm gonna buy this place".
Louise has also treated herself to a shiny new Range Rover as a nod to her immense success - but she also kept her Fiat 500 "as a little reminder of where she's come from".
Her old car is now branded with QR codes and advertising that directs viewers to her OnlyFans site which she uses as a method of growing her platform while on the move.
But the successful woman said she doesn't care that people know what she does when they see her park up as she feels "powerful" in knowing she now has the financial freedom to live a comfortable life.
And with her immense success comes confidence - as Louise revealed she has never felt "sexier" than she does now.
"I turned 40 feeling the sexiest than I've ever felt before and a lot of that is from OnlyFans and social media - it gave me that confidence," she said.
"Now I just want to go against the code of social stigmas around age, especially for women.
But alongside a boost in her confidence, Louise said that the bizarre requests she often receives also give her a sense of purpose.
Some of her dedicated fans have asked the gym lover for snaps of her flexing and even eating spinach while telling them how strong she is.
"I almost feel like I'm giving people an outlet whereby they can be themselves with me where they might not otherwise be able to be like that with their partners in real life of a fear of judgment" she said.
"So I think a lot of people can fulfill their different quirky fantasies and express themselves in a way that they're fearful of in a real-life situation - and so in a weird sort of sense, you're kind of helping people".
Louise's subscribers mainly come through her social media pages after being fans of her online fitness content.
Throughout her journey to success, the model has grown her social media profiles drastically and now has over 383,000 followers on her Instagram (@louise_fitcoach) and over 268,000 on TikTok.
And she uses these platforms not only to promote her OnlyFans business but to also share the narrative that "you're never too old to take risks".
"I just want to carry on spreading that kind of story, that inspiration and physically going against the age stereotype," she said.
"I think just being a single 40-year-old woman, being successful in business in a lot of male-dominated areas, especially like gym ownership, you know, it's scary but it's never too late to turn your life around.
"I just want to keep getting better and better physically, mentally, and financially".
This comes after one teacher quit her career to become an OnlyFans star and said she couldn't care less about parents and colleagues' complaints.
One more physics teacher from Scotland quit her job after the school found her OnlyFans and was banned from the Christmas party.