Pub landlord sneered cancer patient neighbour, 70, will ‘die anyway’ after beating him in row over dustbins
A PUB landlord sneered that his cancer patient neighbour “will died anyway” after beating him in a row over dustbins.
Daniel Winward attacked the 70-year-old and his wife and barged into their home over the dispute in Beecham Street, Morecambe in August last year.
The police were forced to attend and at one stage, the council refused to collect the bins due to the hostility of the situation, Preston Crown Court heard.
The dispute began when neighbours said Winward’s bin outside his home was a fire risk.
On August 29, Winward, who is the landlord of the Morecambe Hotel, was seen on CCTV walking up and down the street.
It shows his neighbour coming out of his home before Winward struck him at least eight times.
The clip, shown in court, sees the man’s wife shouting: "Stop! He's a 70-year-old cancer patient!"
Winward replied: "Well, then he's going to die anyway.
When the wife stepped in to stop him, Winward pushed her to the ground.
He then charged into their home, threatening to trash it, Paul Cummings, prosecuting, told the court.
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He allegedly said: “If anyone calls the police I'll come back and finish the job off".
He then ransacked the living room smashing a mirror, a sound bar, a TV and several ornaments - causing £1,000 of damage.
The 70-year-old was then rushed to hospital by ambulance with a 6cm cut over his left eye, several other cuts and bruises.
Defending, Chris Hudson said the landlord served three tours of duty on the front line in Iraq and Afghanistan.
He added that Winward suffers from PTSD as a result.
Mr Hudson explained: "This is a damaged individual.
"He was damaged in the service of his country, and that is significant. Everyone realises this got way out of hand, an argument about bins.
WThere will be no repetition of any of this and there will be no further problems."
District Judge Paul Healey handed Winward a 10 month sentence, suspended for 18 months, with a number of conditions.
Winward must carry out 30 days of rehabilitation activity requirements, 150 hours of unpaid work and pay £1,000 for the damage he caused and £1,000 compensation to the couple he attacked.
The judge also made a two year restraining order and ordered Winward to pay £200 prosecution costs and a victim surcharge.
He said: "The condition you have would not be treated in prison and you would return to society with a pre-existing condition.
"You have strong personal mitigation and there is a realistic prospect of rehabilitation."