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It’s St George’s day but how much do you know about England’s patron saint?

HAPPY St George’s Day! It’s time to fly your flags and celebrate the Patron Saint of England.

But do you slay when it comes to knowing the history of the dragon-destroyer?

MEX545 St George's Day / Punch & Judy, Darwen / Clitheroe, Lancashire 23rd April 2018
Do you slay it when it comes to knowing the history of England's patron saint?Credit: Alamy

Try Sarah Arnold’s fun quiz to find out.

1) WHERE is St George believed to have been born?

A: Turkey
B: England
C: Scotland

2) HOW much time did St George spend in England?


A: His whole life (except when he slayed the dragon)
B: Until he was 16
C: He never set foot on English soil

3) WHAT notable other event also ­reportedly happened on St George’s Day?

A: The first Punch and Judy show was performed
B: Shakespeare was born and died
C: Morris dancing was invented

MEX51X St George's Day / Punch & Judy, Darwen / Clitheroe, Lancashire 23rd April 2018
Was St George's Day when the first ever Punch and Judy show was invented?Credit: Alamy
Alamy Live News. 2PP5JXN London, UK. 22nd April 2023. The Wild Hunt Bedlam Morris perform outside The Horseshoe Inn near Southwark as part of up coming St. GeorgeOs Day festivities and summer Morris traditions. Formed in 1991, the men and women of the Morris team perform in the OBorderO style C referred to as the ODark MorrisO by fantasy novelist Terry Pratchett C wearing coats, known as OtattersO and masks decorated with Celtic symbols. Historically masks where worn to prevent identification when dancing for money. Credit: Guy Corbishley/Alamy Live News This is an Alamy Live News image and may not be part of your current Alamy deal . If you are unsure, please contact our sales team to check.
Or could it be that Morris dancing was invented on the day?Credit: Alamy

4) WHAT was St George’s day job beyond his side-hustle of dragon ­slaying?

A: Knight
B: Roman army officer
C: Serf

5) WHY did he kill the dragon?

A: It was going to eat a princess following a Hunger Games-style selection ­process
B: It kept burning things down when it belched
C: It had a Dragon’s Den

6) WHAT song is traditionally sung on St George’s Day?

A: Jerusalem
B: Slay Bells Ring
C: I Just Called To Slay I Love You

7) WHICH of these does St George appear on?

A: Order of Service
B: Royal Order of the Garter
C: Last Orders

8) WHERE did the dragon live according to legend?

A: China
B: Libya
C: Wales

9) WHICH of these foods is now a staple of St George’s Day ­celebrations?

A: Fish and chips
B: Rarebit
C: Haggis

10) WHICH organisation is St George the patron of?

A: The SAS
B: The Scouts

11) WHICH of these events don’t happen on St George’s Day ­traditionally?

A: Egg and spoon race
B: Morris Dancing
C: Punch and Judy show

12) ACCORDING to ­legend, the dragon held villagers to ransom in a dispute over what?

A: Water
B: Wind
C: Fire

13) WHICH of these is traditionally not a Bank Holiday?

A: St Andrew’s Day
B: St George’s Day
C: St Patrick’s Day

14) WHICH residence houses the St George’s Chapel?

A: Downing Street
B: Windsor Castle
C: Buckingham Palace


15) ST GEORGE’S is the capital of where?

A: Grenada
B: Jamaica
C: Aruba


1, A. 2, C. 3, B. 4, B. 5, A. 6, A. 7, B. 8, B. 9, A. 10, B. 11, A. 12, A. 13, B. 14, B. 15, A.
