Military top brass live in lavish taxpayer-funded homes — while troops suffer in squalor
BRITAIN’S military chiefs are living in lavish taxpayer-funded homes — while troops suffer in squalor, we can reveal.
Chief of Defence Staff Admiral Sir Tony Radakin enjoys a £62,000-a-year property with staff costing an extra £113,000.
Chief of General Staff General Sir Patrick Sanders has a £29,000-a-year home with a £101,000 staff bill.
Several other top brass live in costly London properties, a Freedom of Information probe found.
It contrasts with the sub-standard housing many face.
Ex-Army Major Richard Foord said squalid homes have led to an “exodus” of troops.
The MoD said senior staff require “an appropriate property” to fulfil their duties.
A spokesman admitted some personnel were “not receiving the level of accommodation services they deserve”.