polls apart

Why do polls always seem to get it wrong? From Brexit to the US election

AT THE start of election day virtually every poll, political analyst, expert and insider had Hillary Clinton packing her bags for the White House.

By the time polls had closed on Tuesday night, those projections had been left in tatters — just like the ones that duped David Cameron ahead of the Brexit vote this summer.

Both Clinton and Cameron were fooled by the pollsCredit: Getty Images

Headed into Election Day, the polling 538 website put Clinton’s odds at winning the White House at around 72 per cent.

By midnight, the site had more than flipped its odds making, giving Trump an 84 per cent chance of winning.

The billionaire notched upset victories in Florida, North Carolina and Wisconsin — critical swing states where almost every public poll and most private projections had shown Clinton ahead.

The Republican nominee’s surprisingly strong performance go some way to validate his claims that many polls "just put out phony numbers"

So why were the polls so wrong?

Veteran Democratic pollster Geoff Garin belives many surveys had under-sampled non-college-educated whites, a group that Trump appealed to.

He also argued there had been on over-emphasis on the belief that the country’s rising demographic diversity would put Clinton over the top.


“There was too great a belief that demographics are destiny, and that demographics would lead to a certain outcome,” he said.

“The reality turned out to be much different that."

Others pointed to the possibility of the 'hidden Trump voters' - - those who were too embarrassed to admit even anonymously to pollsters that they planned to support the republican.

Then there was the surge in momentum Trump received when the FBI announced 11 days before the election that it was reviewing new evidence related to its investigation into the handling of sensitive information by Clinton and her aides at the State Department.

Clinton supporters in Missouri were left shocked by the resultCredit: Getty Images

That sounds familiar, did that happen with Brexit?

Yes. Just like last year's General Election, the polls led us up the garden path.

On the day, YouGov predicted the Remain campaign would win, and the final three polls before the referendum all said the same thing: the UK would vote – albeit by a small margin – to stay in the EU.

With hours to of, the bookies were 9 to 1 on that the UK would stay in the EU.
