13 of the weirdest X-ray pictures ever
X-RAYS are normally used to diagnose broken bones or fluid filled lungs but sometimes they can reveal some of the weird things that people put in their bodies.
We take a look at 13 of the strangest X-rays ever - you have to wonder how did that object ever get there?
1. A bottle
A Chinese man was forced to seek medical advice when he was complaining of stomach pains.
When doctors quizzed him on the pain he claimed he didn't know what was causing it.
Once staff presented him with this X-ray, the man admitted that he hot got the bottle stuck inside himself and tried to fish it out with a wire.
2. A vibrator AND salad tongs
This man managed to get a vibrator stuck up his bottom, but instead of going straight to A&E he tried to remove it himself.
Using a pair of salad tongs, he tried to tug it out, only for them to get lodged too.
3. A pint glass
This must have seemed like a good idea at the time.
4. A four-inch nail
Patrick Lawler went to his dentist complaining of toothache but he didn't know why.
The X-ray revealed that the construction worker had unknowingly embedded a four-inch nail into the roof of his mouth.
5. An engagement ring
A man from New Mexico planned a romantic proposal for his girlfriend but unfortunately, he didn't think very carefully about where to hide the ring.
Slipping it into her milkshake he thought she would be able to feel it in her mouth, instead she swallowed it.
6. A hand grenade
Unbelievably, this live hand grenade was swallowed by a terrorist.
It seems he didn't think his plan through very well because it was only after he'd swallowed it that he realised he couldn't detonate the explosive.
7. A pair of scissors
Apparently, a man from China was using the scissors to clean his teeth.
Suddenly when his friend made him laugh he swallowed the scissors whole.
8. A huge knife
This soldier had a four-inch knife stabbed just above his eyebrow.
Luckily he survived the operation with any difficulties.
9. A lightbulb
How do you get a lightbulb stuck in your large intestine?
Well it seems that neither the doctors nor the Pakistani man who did it knew the answer.
10. A mobile phone
Apparently prisoners in San Salvador are so desperate to smuggle their phones
in that they have to resort to extreme measures.
Perhaps he didn't want to lose contact with the outside world.
11. A fork
Imagine you've swallowed a cockroach, how do you get it out of your throat?
One Israeli woman thought the answer would be to shove a fork down there, but it got stuck along with the cockroach.
12. A bullet
When a man thought he was losing his intestines, he thought that the only cure would be to stop them with a large bullet.
The bomb squad had to be called in during the removal operation to make sure it didn't explode.
13. A screw bit
Ron Hunt, a construction worker, fell from a ladder while drilling on a elevated surface and as a result his drill went ripping through his eye socket.
The drill bit penetrated right through the back of his head but amazingly he survived.