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Diver decapitated by giant 19ft great white in front of horrified fishermen in first fatal shark attack of the year

A DIVER had his head ripped off by an enormous great white in this year’s first fatal shark attack.

Manuel Lopez was scuba diving off the coast of Mexico when he was killed by the 19-foot beast as horrified fishermen looked on, according to the

Manuel Lopez was killed by a great white
Manuel Lopez was killed by a great white

He was collecting was collecting ax tripe, a mollusc like a scallop, in the open ocean around 11.30am when he was attacked by the shark.

“He was diving when the animal attacked him, ripping off his head and biting both shoulders,” said witness Jose Bernal.

He added that local divers had been warned about the presence of sharks in the area and most had not been out for several days.

Thousands of anglers have been staying onshore due to the presence of large white sharks, says Tracking Sharks.


"Great white sharks are most prevalent in the Gulf of California during December and January when pregnant female sharks enter the area," said the site.

"The sharks will often search for fat-filled sea lions to feed upon due to their high caloric count."

The incident happened in January 6 in an area known as Tobari Bay.

Local fishermen's leader José Luis Reyes Bernal said most of the boats were not going out to sea for fear of being attacked.

The sea off Mexico is home to one of the world’s biggest great white sharks, known as Deep Blue.

Incredible footage shows the 22ft ocean giant swimming dangerously close to a pair of brave divers in Guadalupe.

Weighing an enormous 2.5 tonnes, the 50-year-old predator dwarfed the divers as they reached out to interact with the beast.

In July 2016, an enormous shark, nicknamed the White Death, was snapped off the coast of Guadalupe, Mexico.

The exact measurement of the great white were not taken, but a visual comparison with the current record holder suggests the shark it could be a world record contender.