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Sir Philip Green should lose knighthood for giving capitalism a bad name

Civil servants could then take Green's knighthood from him, and so they should after that BHS scandal

A sorry excuse

British Home Stores in administration
Philip Green got his knighthood for services to retail, he should lose it for giving capitalism a bad nameCredit: PA:Press Association

POOR, poor “Sir” Philip Green. We can only imagine his terrible stress since the unfortunate demise of BHS.

It broke our hearts to hear him describe the “horrible, horrible period” he and his family have gone through.

Still, there’s always the billions and the £100million yacht in the Med.

He could have been thrown on the dole by his employer’s incompetence and greed and left with a giant question-mark where his pension should be.

In truth, Green’s ITV “apology” was revoltingly unapologetic. Yes, he promised to sort out the pensions black hole.

But he’s said that for months.
Today his knighthood should be put to a vote of MPs. Civil servants could then take it from him, and so they should.

He got it for services to retail. He should lose it for giving capitalism a bad name.


Migrant crisis

IT’S simple enough, you’d have thought.

Britain is told we must rescue helpless, lone children from the Calais ­Jungle. Fair enough. But when they turn up, most aren’t helpless or children.

Some might be weather-beaten or war weary — but they are plainly also adults who have lied to credulous officials to jump the queue ahead of actual kids.

As indeed were two-thirds of the “child” refugees whose ages were fully checked in the year to last September.

Gormless celebs, like born-again leftie multi-millionaire Gary Lineker, smear as “hideously racist” anyone who points all this out.

In their facile world view, all migrants should be allowed unconditional sanctuary in Britain. The effect of opening the floodgates never occurs to them — their gilded lives wouldn’t be touched.
Lineker need never worry about the crushing impact of our soaring population on schools, hospitals or housing.

His main concern, when not advertising crisps, is advertising how caring he is on Twitter. Does this compassion extend beyond social media?

He pays a lot of tax. He has to. Perhaps he could further use his wealth to house migrants or build a school or surgery.

Or is the truly important work tweeting sanctimoniously from his ivory tower and brainlessly sneering at those who disagree?

Phil the details

Britain's Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond speaks at the Conservative Party conference in Birmingham

THE Chancellor admitted a fair bit about Brexit yesterday.

Chiefly that Project Fear’s “research” was the hysterical propaganda The Sun said it was. Treasury “assumptions have proved invalid” Philip Hammond said.

They were based on triggering Article 50 immediately, on the Bank of England doing nothing and on us, long-term, striking NO trade deals outside the EU.

In fact those deals are crucial. Theresa May has said as much repeatedly.

We hope Mr Hammond, while rightly keeping our options open, remembers it.
