Pub landlady posts saucy snaps for £12-a-month to keep her boozer open
A PUB landlady is posting saucy snaps of herself on a £12-a-month subscription site to raise cash to keep her boozer open.
Lauren Beers has created a profile on OnlyFans to help her and husband Paul pay their hefty bills.
The popular pair own the pub near Huddersfield.
Lauren, 40, posted: “I’ve only ever been really good at 3 things: Pulling pints, Necking pints and T*TS.
“So . . . I thought I’d combine a guy’s (and lots of girls’) favourite things.
“You subscribing could mean the survival of a Great British Boozer.”
The couple have shared a series of snaps on social media, including from parties in the popular boozer, where locals have lapped up the promotional idea.
Pictures include holiday snaps where Lauren relaxes in tight swimsuits and laps up the rays when away from her bar work.
In another image she is the bell of the ball as Princess Jasmine from Disney’s Aladdin during a fancy dress pub event.
And she donned a wild leopard-print dress at a gig during another fun-filled soiree
Most read in The Sun
One regular reckoned: “Lauren is a cracker with a twinkle in her eye. She’ll be a big hit.”
Proud Paul said: “She’s doing it to save the pub, it’s as simple as that.”