Boris Johnson says a new £20 kettle will cut annual electric bills by £10
A NEW £20 kettle will cut annual electric bills by £10, Boris Johnson said yesterday.
He also promised “substantial” handouts.
In one of his last major speeches the outgoing PM said: “Families up and down this country are going to face a very tough winter . . . there is going to be a further package that is going to be announced.
“Clearly we have the fiscal firepower to sort it out.”
In the short term, Boris said struggling households could ease their financial pain by buying more efficient goods.
He said: “If you have an old kettle that takes ages to boil, it may cost you £20 to replace it.
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“But if you get a new one you will save ten pounds a year on your electricity bill.”
He likened the kettle purchase to the expense of a nuclear power plant, which can save money in the long run.
Announcing a £700million investment in the new Sizewell C site in Suffolk, he said when it was up and running fuel bills would be cut by some £3billion.
In a wide ranging speech, he was lukewarm on the impact of fracking — supported by his likely successor, Liz Truss.
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