Children aged 10 and younger being pressured into sending explicit photos and videos of themselves online
The number of kids in touch with Childline about sexting has risen 15 per cent in one year
KIDS of ten and under are being pressured into sending explicit pictures and videos of themselves online.
A special police team get complaints about children being targeted almost daily and say just a “fraction” of sexting cases are reported.
"Many teen girls do not bother to complain as they are so used to the requests they view them as normal," said one police officer.
The Scotland Yard unit said girls of 11 and 12 were sending naked pictures to men online.
And a girl of ten was asked for sex while online gaming.
Teenagers are often threatened into providing explicit images.
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Det Supt John Macdonald, of the Sexual Offences, Exploitation and Child Abuse Command, said: “Any child is vulnerable.
"Virtually every day we see examples of very young children, I’m talking ten or sometimes a bit younger, being asked to supply imagery online.
"It’s very under-reported.
“Before the internet, it was dangerous for an offender to target a child because they would have to have that physical face-to-face contact.”
The number of kids counselled by on sexting is up 15 per cent in a year.