Labour demands Liz Truss and Rishi Sunak back plan to save Brits £11.4billion on energy bills
LABOUR is demanding the two Tory leadership candidates back its Warm Homes Plan to save families £11.4billion over the next three years.
Households would save an average £1,000 a year off energy bills by reversing the home insulation failures of the Government, it said.
Party leader Sir Keir Starmer wants 19million homes to be upgraded.
The move would also support half a million construction jobs.
Labour claimed Brits would have saved £2billion on bills if it had been adopted when they first demanded it.
It would also reduce dependence on overseas energy supplies.
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Shadow Climate Change Secretary Ed Miliband last night called on Rishi Sunak and Liz Truss to back the measures.
He said there had been “twelve years of failure” under the Tory party.
Miliband said: “Unless they change course and adopt Labour’s plan, pensioners will go cold, bills will stay high, and we will have to import more gas from Putin and his cronies.”