Liz Truss vows to ditch civil service diversity jobs in £11billion tax saving
TORY frontrunner Liz Truss today vows to ditch diversity and inclusion jobs to save taxpayers £11billion a year.
The Tory wannabe-PM promises to rip up left-wing Whitehall groupthink and focus on frontline public services.
Declaring war on militant unions, she announced plans to curb the time and resources they were allowed to plan strikes, and cap public sector holidays to 25 days.
Ms Truss would take taxpayer-funded “facility time” from officials, saving £137million a year.
She would also ditch London pay weightings for WFH civil servants.
New regional pay boards and staff working outside the capital could rake in £8.8billion a year.
Read more on Liz Truss
Ms Truss, on a visit to a farm in Newton Abbot, Devon, yesterday, said: “I will run a leaner, more efficient, more focused Whitehall that is laser-focused on frontline services.
“There is too much bureaucracy and stale groupthink.”
Brexit Opportunities Minister Jacob Rees-Mogg was “delighted” she’d “prevent the waste of taxpayers’ money, such as in the woke indoctrination of civil servants”.