Family haul in enormous 13ft monster alligator weighing 43 STONE while hunting on river
It was the first time the family had tried alligator hunting
A FAMILY of fishers captured a massive alligator weighing 43 STONE - the first time they have ever tried hunting the predators.
Mike Montei, a keen fisherman, was out with with his daughter Sarah and nephew Matt McCarty when he saw the reptile in Lake Marion, South Carolina on Sunday.
"That wasn't what we were looking for but that's what it ended up being," Mike told .
"I’ve never been lucky like that."
The family captured the gator with a fishing pole that has been in the family for four generations.
"I'd thought Godzilla for sure," Sarah said when she spotted the beast.
"Looking in the water and not being able to see the end of the tail, that was a little bit more weird because you don't really know where the feet are," she said.
"You don't really know how long of a gator you're dealing with."
Th gator is 13 feet, 4 inches long and the taxidermist employed by the family believes he's missing part of his tail, which would make him closer to a breathtaking 14ft.
Last month a plucky female hunter caught and killed a record-breaking alligator measuring nearly 14ft long.