Shameless father-of-eight immigrant who turned down ‘too small’ five bed council house reveals he blew £15k within weeks of coming to Britain

A FRENCH migrant and dad-of-eight whose family have cost the taxpayer and estimated £44,000 a year in benefits has refused to rule out having MORE kids in future.
Arnold Sube, who has scoffed at a five-bedroom home offered by the council, is seeking to move out of his three-bedroom family home in Bletchley, Buckinghamshire.
He moved into the Bletchley home after blowing £15,000 of his savings on private rent within a few weeks of arriving to the UK.
Mr Sube had been renting after moving from Paris to study mental health nursing at a UK university.
The NHS is funding the annual cost of his £27,000 three-year psychiatric degree.
The dad's £1,278-a-month rent was covered by the local council after he had lived in his house for the required three-month period but was no longer able to pay it himself.
: "I came with £15,000 and I paid by myself but after a few months I applied for a house on benefits.
"I love working. I have been working for the last 13 years. My intention was just to live and study while my family were still in France but my wife couldn’t do it."
He added: “Where I’m from they would give houses to English people easily and treat them very fairly, so I expect fair treatment from any country I move to.
“It is my right to live a normal life like any other normal family".
Mr Sube has also hinted he and his wife Jeanne could add to their brood of eight children by saying "you never know" when asked.
The former warehouse worker, who works part-time as a care support worker, is father to Mejane, 16, Fabian and Analia, both 13, Prosper, 10, Dylan, nine, twins Sharon and Stacey, 6, and three-week-old Mary.
Mr Sube continued: "I want to make a contribution to society.
"I don't like lazy people.
"My dad told me to work hard."
He added that he doesn't understand why some Brits look down on him and that the French would be very welcoming of UK families.
Luton Borough Council put the family up in a £160-a-night hotel for almost four months before putting them up in their current house.
Mr Sube and his family have cost the taxpayer an estimated £44,000 a year in benefits.
He has now been told that unless he accepts a formal offer of another available four or five bedroom property, he will be making his family "intentionally homeless".
They will then have to find their own home on the private market.