What is Bare Shelves Biden and why is it trending?

THE hashtag Bare Shelves Biden resurfaced for the second time since October on Monday.

Food shortages across the US are causing widespread panic as grocery store shelves are depleted and people search for pantry items.

, “(There's) not as much variety as there used to be, especially with paper goods, household cleaning items such as laundry products, soft drinks and even frozen items.”

The Food Industry Association's senior director of supply chain and sustainability, Marjorie DuPuy, asked people to remain patient as grocery store shortage issues are ironed out.

"If there's a disruption in one sector. So, let's say the port delays that we're seeing frequently on the news today, that will impact our ability to take products off container ships, get them into a truck, get them onto a rail, get them into a distribution center, get them sorted and out to deliveries to the stores and then to the consumer's home," DePuy said.

However, the complaints coming from across the US accuse President Joe Biden of being at fault.

said the claims are false.

"The shortages we are experiencing are due to supply chain backlog and linkages," he added.

Although the complaints are coming from US shoppers, similar issues are being encountered worldwide as countries including Canada and Australia encounter bare grocery store shelves.
