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GUN cops have raided a house after a man was pictured brandishing a "RIFLE" on a residential street.

Armed police rushed to Albert Square, Nottingham, after a shocking image surfaced of what appeared to be a gun being pointed at a block of flats.

Police were called after a person was seen brandishing an imitation firearm on a residential street
Police were called after a person was seen brandishing an imitation firearm on a residential street
Gun cops arrested two men, aged 19 and 20
Gun cops arrested two men, aged 19 and 20

Footage shows six officers standing outside a house on the street - with at least one pointing a gun at a door.

One of them can be heard shouting: "Armed police, make yourself known.

"Armed police, come to the door."

Residents were horrified after seeing guns drawn outside their home, but cops soon discovered the "weapon" was a fake gun

Police confirmed two men, aged 19 and 20, were arrested on suspicion of possession of an imitation firearm with intent to cause fear of violence.

Officers recovered two airsoft pellet guns from the scene.

Families reported hearing the National Police Air Service helicopter over the scene at the time.

Chief Inspector Amy Styles-Jones, of Nottinghamshire Police, said: "Whilst these guns are basically harmless they do look very realistic and in this instance have caused alarm to people who saw two men carrying guns in the street.

"Police acted very swiftly to contain the area and arrest the two men involved and we would like to reassure people that the incident has now been dealt with.

"This should serve as a warning to people that carrying weapons - including imitation weapons - is taken extremely seriously."
