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Fowl Play

Scandal for Tesco and Asda as Thai slave workers found raising chickens for UK supermarkets

Workers at poultry farm in Thailand work 40 day stretch and have to sleep among birds

WORKERS at a poultry farm in Thailand which supplies a contractor for Britain’s supermarkets claim they were treated like slaves.

They say they grafted up to 19 hours a shift for 40 days at a stretch and had to sleep among chickens.

Thai Poultry Farm Migrant Workers
Raw deal ... workers at a Thai poultry farm which supplies UK supermarkets with chicken claim to be treated like slaves

The employees, migrants from neighbouring Mynamar, told a human rights group farm owners confiscated their travel documents. They were paid just £4.80 a day.

They also claim they had cash deducted from their meagre pay for drinking water and were only allowed to leave the remote farm for two hours a week under supervision.

Paltry earnings ... the workers says they have to work for up to 40 days at a time and are made to sleep among the birds
Shelf life ... Tesco is one of Betagro’s customers along with Oakfield Foods, which also supplies supermarkets and smaller outletsCredit: Getty Images

The Thammakaset Farm 2 about 100 miles north of Bangkok, supplies food giant Betagro — which exports frozen semi-cooked and cooked chicken products worldwide.

Tesco and Asda are among Betagro’s customers along with Oakfield Foods, which also supplies supermarkets and smaller outlets.

Labour saving ... Asda is another of the major stores who Betagro count on for customCredit: Getty Images

Fourteen workers alerted the Migrant Worker Rights Network. One said: “We were treated like slaves, all day and all night we had to work. I don’t want anyone else to have to face the same ordeal.” Betagro has suspended ties with the farm after carrying out its own inquiry.
