Car hire company Avis ‘rakes in £2 MILLION’ with dodgy Brexit tax on Brits abroad
An estimated 7,500 Brits hire a car in Europe with Avis and Budget a day
CAR rental giant Avis may have raked in £2.6million with its dodgy Brexit tax.
Brits hiring motors in Europe have been hit with a mysterious charge since the UK voted to leave the EU.
The Sun told how staff informed customers it was levied as the vote saw the pound’s value drop.
The fee varied from £2.19 to £11.
Brits in France and Spain have been charged, but it may have affected thousands more across the EU.
Just weeks ago, boss Larry De Shon insisted Brexit had virtually no effect on his firm.
Last night experts predicted Avis was likely to have enjoyed a multi-million pound windfall.
Drivers called for a boycott of the firm, which also runs Budget car hire.
Motorists’ rights campaigner Quentin Willson estimated that 7,500 Brits hire a car in Europe with Avis and Budget a day.
With an average charge of £6, that would see customers fleeced of £2.6million since the June vote.
Quentin said: “I’m sick of hearing of companies trying to cash in on Brexit.”
Avis said the fee was a system error and blamed “miscommunication.”
It has vowed to refund affected customers.
- Mum Carmel Ardrey said Avis charged her £600 after her rental car number plate was nicked in Sardinia, Italy.