Tucker Carlson accuses CNN’s Don Lemon of having a ‘symbol of hate’ in his kitchen after spotting something surprising

TUCKER Carlson claimed CNN's Don Lemon has a "symbol of hate posing as a cookie jar" in his kitchen.

During Monday's episode of Tucker Carlson Tonight, the eagle-eyed host spotted, what he described as, "a black face" container in Lemon's home.


Moments earlier, Carlson said that Lemon fancies himself as a "civil rights leader" who thinks "America is a racist country" despite living in one of the whitest towns in the country.

which he did to promote his new book, titled  .

"Don Lemon lives in a $4.3 million home in Sag Harbor, New York. No, he doesn't live in Section 8 housing, he lives in one of the whitest towns in America," Carlson said.

"In fact, 80 percent, Sag Harbor is just 3 percent African-American. In the interview, Mr. Clemon said America needs to see more people like him. He regularly lectures America about diversity."

"When he didn't tell The Washington Post is that in his free time he runs away from diversity," the Fox News host concluded.
