Sun Club

Putin ‘would have landed UFO on White House steps’ to show ‘superiority’ if Russia was behind sightings, GOP rep says

VLADIMIR Putin "would have landed a UFO on steps of the White House" to show "superiority" if Russia was behind the sightings, a Republican congressman claims.

GOP Rep. Tim Burchett said the Russian president is "an egomaniac" adding: "If they had a UFO he would have landed one on the steps of the White House just to show his superiority."

 this week.

Burchett told : "Something clearly is going on. It's undeniable that that is something is out there."

He claims Navy pilots have seen an orb that has either been sent by “somebody on this planet” or is of alien origin.

Ahead of  summit with  in Geneva, there was speculation that the  if he suspected the Russian strongman was sending hypersonic technology to bug US Navy vessels.

last week and they refused to confirm if the findings concluded that extra-terrestrial life exists.

Rep. Burchett said: “Clearly, something’s going on that we can’t handle. I mean UFOs were in the Bible. Read Ezekiel, it talks about the wheel flying around.

"So, I mean they’ve been around since we’ve been around, and somebody needs to come up with some answers."

