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Mental Health Awareness Week 2021: Quotes and messages to mark the week

MENTAL Health Awareness Week 2021 is taking place between Monday, May 10, and  Sunday, May 16.

The event is coordinated by the and this year's theme is Body Image, how we think and feel about it

Caroline O'Donnell, 43, a mother of three from Glasgow, who said she has discovered that wild swimming in local lochs has helped her mental health
Caroline O'Donnell, 43, a mother of three from Glasgow, who said she has discovered that wild swimming in local lochs has helped her mental healthCredit: PA

What is Mental Health Awareness Week about?

The Mental Health Foundation website says that the chosen theme this year is nature because it is “known to be an effective way of tackling mental health problems.” 

The foundation writes: “This year we want people to notice nature and try to make a habit of connecting to the nature every day. 

“Stop to listen to the birdsong, smell the freshly cut grass, take care of a house plant, notice any trees, flowers or animals nearby. 

“Take a moment to appreciate these connections.”

This week is Mental Health Awareness Week which is coordinated by the Mental Health Foundation
This week is Mental Health Awareness Week which is coordinated by the Mental Health FoundationCredit: Getty Images


Each year, inspirational quotes and positive sayings are shared across social media and between family and friends to mark Mental Health Awareness Week

Here are some of the best.

‘“Happiness can be found even in the darkest of times, if one only remembers to turn on the light” – Albus Dumbledore from Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban

“You, yourself, as much as anybody in the entire universe, deserve your love and affection” – Buddha

“Part of my identity is saying no to things I don’t want to do and if the answer is no, then I don’t do it. And you shouldn’t either”– Lady Gaga

“When you keep all those things inside, when you bottle them up, it makes you ill. " – Cara Delevingne

“The biggest lie that we’ve ever been sold is that we as artists have to stay in pain to create. "– Katy Perry

 “It means so much when you realise that someone was having a really hard time and feeling shame and was trying to hide this whole thing”– Winona Ryder

“Asking for help is the first step”– Dwayne “The Rock” Johnson

“You are never too old to set another goal or to dream a new dream” – C.S. Lewis

“Try to be a rainbow in someone else's cloud” – Maya Angelou

“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment, until it becomes a memory” – Dr. Seuss

“Happiness often sneaks in through a door you didn't know you left open” – John Barrymore

“Keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow” – Helen Keller


The Sun is on hand to add a bit of support for the week. 

Send your messages and we will publish the best. Email your words of love and appreciation to [email protected]

More than four in 10 people in the UK say they have experienced depression
More than four in 10 people in the UK say they have experienced depressionCredit: Alamy

What to do if you feel you need help?

You should go and see your GP if you have experienced the following:

  • You've been feeling depressed for more than a few weeks
  • Your anxiety is affecting your daily life

If you want to talk to someone immediately, the NHS page includes organisations you can call for help, such as Anxiety UK and Bipolar UK.


The helpline is on hand 24 hours a day and 365 days a year, for people who need to talk to someone in confidence.

You can call 116 123 free today to access the helpline.

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