Defence firms slammed for claiming £61MILLION from taxpayer to cover expenses including kids’ party and fancy mugs
Massive figure could fund nearly FOUR THOUSAND service men to buy a home
ARMS giants have billed taxpayers £61million for expenses including a kids’ party and posh mugs.
A Government spending watchdog has blasted the MoD and defence firms over the scandal.
One weapons manufacturer charged £32,500 for a charitable donation while another billed £34,000 for a Christmas party.
Insiders say other examples include £24,000 for ceremonial mugs and £2,000 for the children’s party.
The sums were uncovered by the Single Source Regulations Office which scrutinises deals where there is just one bidder for a defence contract.
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It has given arms giants until January to comply with regulations and reduce their charges or be named and shamed.
Clive Tucker, the SSRO’s chairman, said: “We have £61million of potentially non-allowable costs charged by contractors.
"This amount could fund nearly 4,000 service personnel to buy a home.”